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Fire Emblem Three Houses Meme Funny

Rhea plays an integral part in the Three Houses narrative, and serves as the answer to so of the game's most intriguing mysteries. She's unavoidable, no matter which route you're on and depending on your choices can either be an ally or an enemy. Regardless, she plays a big role and is a character most fans are very familiar with.

Most fans know nearly all there is to know about Rhea, and some pretty funny revelations have been made as a result. Rhea is an interesting character, with a lot to poke fun at. So here are 10 absolutely hilarious Rhea memes.

10 Patience

From day 1, Rhea seemed to have a soft spot for Byleth. Inviting some unknown mercenary to teach at the academy was a surprising move to many, but Rhea always had unyielding faith in the mysterious new teacher.

Knowing what we do now, you have to wonder if Rhea would've let Byleth do anything they wanted given their connection to each other. It's a question this comic does a good job of looking at.

9 She Lifts

Rhea may seem like a nice, kind-hearted person, but she'l surprise you plenty over the course of the game. There are a lot of things that people don't know about Rhea, and this is certainly one of the most notable of the bunch.

The archbishop may be protected by every single Knight of Seiros, but at the end of the day, she's more than capable of taking care of herself alongside most of her followers as well.

8 The Start of it All

Rhea and Edelgard don't have the best relationship, even though that doesn't bcome overtly apparent until later on in the game. Edelgard has no love for the church, and Rhea stands atop it all.

This comic does a great job of showing their tumultuous relationship. And it does it with a Pop Team Epic reference, which is always nice.

7 The Truth

There are a lot of revelations to be made throughout the game's various routes. Heroes' Relics play a big part in the game's lore and battle mechanics, and there's of course more to them than meets the eye.

Suffice to say, these rarities have a very special place in Rhea's heart and it's probably not a good idea to follow Raphael's lead on this one. Aside from the fact that they're so rare, who does that to their weapon?

6 Beat Em

For someone who seems so understanding and kind, Rhea's actually pretty harsh when it all comes down to it. She isn't as forgiving as you'd expect a religious figure to be, and there are times in the game when she's downright terrifying.

Rhea has no tolerance for traitors and those who go against the church, in any capacity whatsoever. It's something that has her show her dark side from time to time, but she still manages to sound sweet doing it.

5 The Same

Rhea's past is a tragic one, and even if you don't agree with the choices she's made you can understand what drove her to make those decisions.

Byleth's origin is possibly one of the most questionable things she's done, and it's probably not something many around her would've been able to fathom. Still, what's done is done – and given what kind of impact Byleth has on Fódlan's history, it's probably good that she did what she did.

4 She Knows What She Did

Another great Rhea-Edelgard meme. Anyone who's played the game knows that these two will never see eye to eye on anything, and that's pretty much what kicks the story into overdrive.

Edelgard is a lot like Rhea in some ways, and that's probably why the two just can't find any common ground. It'd be interesting to see the developers drop some more content where the direct conflict between these two played an even bigger role.

3 Tinder vs Real Life

Rhea is an interesting person, and you're certainly not getting all you'd expect with her. She's kind and passive to most, though her sternness and severity does come out at times. Still, it's nothing compared to what Rhea's really like.

Rhea is pretty much nothing like she seems to most of her followers, and you find out later on in the games that she's way more capable than she lets on. In fact, if things went south she could actually be a threat to many. That kind of left turn isn't in her personality though, so you probably don't have to worry about it.

2 Funny, But Sad

A lot of Fódlan's history stems from Rhea's reaction to losing her mother. Rhea has tried her whole life to correct that, and it's led to some pretty tragic results.

There's a lot of secrecy surrounding the church as a result, and that in turn leads to a lot of conflict and mistrust from those around them.

1 Boomer Rhea

You could see Edelgard's issues with Rhea as a conflict of old ideas vs new. However you want to see it, there's n way Edelgard ever changes her mind, and the same can be said for Rhea. That leads to some pretty tragic events.

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